Searching for a fun yet meaningful way to volunteer? Join us as we bring the joy of reading to our students in Mali!


Read to Mali asks our English-speaking volunteers to read a short story or poem aloud and video yourself doing so. Your video is then sent to us, and we get it to our English teachers in classrooms in remote villages in Mali.

Your reading video will be a hit in our classrooms where even textbooks can be a rarity. Most of our villages have no electricity and no access to the internet* — making a video an exciting and diverting classroom activity! Plus, sharing a fun story will liven up the typical language lessons, which focus on memorization.

Our goal? To record 50 stories by May 15 for our kids in Mali.

Do you have an hour or two to spare to share the joy of reading with our great kids? Learn more and sign up below.

* Wondering how we can show your video in a village with no power or internet? We have a solar-charged projector + thumb drive we call a Virtual Library that rotates among the schools.

Watch our Read to Mali Volunteer Evening for a how-to

Frequently Asked Questions

Suggested book/story options (or you can nominate your own)

18 or under? We need a waiver from you!

Sign up here & we will send you a complete how-to!