Nana is among a group of students receiving Mali Rising's first round of Inspiration Scholarships this year. Because of your support, Nana is getting an extra chance at an education that her parents' death almost stole from her.

Nana is a special case for the Inspiration Scholar project. Nana did not technically graduate from a Mali Rising school. Why? Nana lost both of her parents while still young and was excluded from further education because no one would support her.

Luckily for Nana, the principal of Mali Rising's Leon W. Pete Harman Middle School saw real potential in her. The principal assisted her and helped her take the national DEF graduation exam. Although by this time she was much older than her peers, Nana passed! (Only about 30% of students pass the exam each year.)

However, once you are over 18 in Mali the government will no longer support your high school education, so Nana was again stuck. We wanted to reward Nana's stick-to-itiveness so we provided her with a nursing assistant scholarship that will ensure she has a solid career that gives back to her community.

Nana says, "I received the news of the nursing scholarship with great pleasure because it is my vocation -- it was only the means I lack! After these studies I could help others."

Nana now has a husband and a child, but she still is finding time to learn and improve her future. We think she is a great role model for her child and for other students dreaming of a bright future!

Interested in supporting an Inspiration Scholar?

