Travelogue: Day 8: The Ceremonial Opening of a New School!

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

The US- and Mali-based staff spent two weeks in January together in the field in Mali. Our incredibly limited access to the internet did not allow us to post our blog updates from the field, so we are sharing them now from the zippy wi-fi of the U.S. Join us on the blog for the next few weeks for a daily update on the trip!

There are few things more exciting and gratifying than seeing one of our partner villages celebrating the opening of their new school. The parents are joyful, the children are excited, and the village leaders are proud.

We were able to share this wonderful experience with the village of Sankama on Day 8 of our travels in Mali. Thanks to many Mali Rising donors, we partnered with the people of Sankama to build their new middle school in 2018. The school opened for students in 2019, but the ceremonial opening was delayed until we could all celebrate together on January 18, 2020.

It was worth the wait! Check out the photos for just a taste of the joy and fun that happens when a village comes together to celebrate the power of education to change their children’s lives!

Take special notice of this school’s name — Judge Memorial Middle School — and the associated signs. The school was named for Judge Memorial High School here in Salt Lake City, Utah. Why? The students at Judge Memorial High School raised nearly $5,000 of the Mali school’s construction costs and ended up winning the naming rights to the school as a result. The school here in Utah sent over t-shirts and letters for their fellow students in Mali!

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