Day 4 of Resolve to Be Involved: Give!

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

As we all wrap up 2022 and plan for the new year, we are providing five ways you can Resolve to be Involved with Mali Rising — five easy ways to help others. The five ways: Connect, Volunteer, Share Give, and Celebrate. We are on Day 4 here so we’re asking you to resolve to Give!

Well, you knew we had to ask! Can you resolve to donate to Mali Rising’s great students this year? Specifically, we encourage you to resolve to give monthly in 2023 by joining the Villagers.

For just $10 a month, you can make a HUGE difference for our students. By signing up to give monthly, your gifts underwrite the cost of programming for one student in the village of Zambougou. In exchange, we’ll keep you updated on the school and its students throughout the year, so you can see your donations in action.

Monthly giving is easy — once you set it up you can check this resolution off your list…score! Plus, at just $10 a month you’ll likely hardly notice the impact on your budget…although the impact for our students will be enormous.

Resolve to be a monthly donor today!