Donate Your Birthday!

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

Are you looking for a way to make your birthday (or maybe your child’s birthday) a little more meaningful? Consider donating your birthday to Mali Rising’s students!

The idea is simple — you encourage people to make a donation to our kids rather than buying you a gift. This even helps your friends out — they know exactly what you want so they don’t have to pain over finding the “perfect” gift.

You can set a goal for your birthday and even direct the funds to a specific need that you feel passionate about. For example, you could encourage your friends to donate $5 each to pay a girl’s school fees for he year or $10 each to purchase a textbook for a student. Or think even larger and pool everyone’s gifts to underwrite a $500 scholarship for a student.

If you like, we can set up a personalized donation page just for you and your friends. We are happy to help in other ways — just let us know.

Learn more and sign up here.