Teacher Project

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11:00 AM11:00

Video Chat with Adama Kone about Health & Teacher Projects


Join us via video link for a chat with our wonderful Teachers’ Project Coordinator, Adama Kone. Adama coordinates our Health Project (as well as the Teachers’ Project) so he will share the latest on what we’re doing in Mali about COVID-19.

This will be a fun, interactive talk about the work and how your support makes a difference in Mali. We will also feature a few ways you can get more involved as a volunteer. We’ll devote plenty of time to answering your questions too — feel free to ask about Mali culture, programming, or anything you are curious about.

RSVP here using the form below, and we’ll send you the video link info a few days before the video call. (Please note: we use an easy, free-to-you video link service called Zoom…now everyone seems to know what Zoom is!

Also note that the call is at 10 am pacific/11 mountain/Noon central/1 pm eastern. The chat will last an hour, but we will stay on the line a bit longer if you all have many questions.

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