Your $10 = One Textbook = Changed Lives

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

Can a boring old textbook change a life?

Of course!

It is so easy here in the United States to take things like textbooks for granted. A book seems like the bare minimum of tools for a classroom…because it really is! We wouldn’t expect our children to learn a foreign language or algebra without even a book to help them out.

But in Mali, a classroom without textbooks is a far too common reality. Even where textbooks exist, you will often find 3, 4, or even 8 kids sharing a book. That just doesn’t work!

In three of our schools, we discovered they have ZERO math, biology, or English textbooks…and that means the students are really struggling as they try to learn these critically important subjects.

Our goal is to raise $3,000 to provide 300 textbooks. Can you help? You can give to the Textbook Fund here and really change this school year for the better.

PS Want to know more about the three schools you’ll be sending textbooks to? Learn a little more about them: Learn for Life Academy, Nieta Kalanso Middle School, and Tim Gibson Middle School.